Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I know, I know, I just did the Grand Opening!?

Well, as luck would have it, I came across a super deal on mainland, and though I had been planning on purchasing an island for residential rentals, the wrench in the works on that very well could be these prefab homes LL will start giving away with premium accounts starting on February 17. Who knows how that will affect the market, so I took my dollars I'd normally spend monthly anyway and put them into a big enough chunk of mainland to support a small-ish ballroom, a ground level retail area for 9-17 vendors, and of course, my home way up in the sky.

It's not that I've given up on the idea of owning an island, it's just that I realize there are more unknown variables which could affect residential rental at the moment. It's time to watch and wait instead of a major move.

So wait, and watch for the opening of the final relocation. I own this region, so it will be stable for quite some time. :) I'm moving to Craggen Maw, and my neighbor across the street with his own third of the sim is Guy Linden. I'm thinking he won't be partying till the wee hours of the night, huh?

The new region will feature a steam-punk ballroom called Sautereau Sky Ballroom and the retail area is Sautereau Sky Galleria. I'll get pics and SLURLs when I update this post. There is limited retail rental space available right now on the region, so if you're a designer who might be interested, please send me a notecard!