We should have known, that if we had a decent idea, it would be targeted. Well, I knew that, I just really figured we were small-potatoes enough that we wouldn't attract enough attention.
Between us and Zindra Unzipped, I'm thinking that the attention of the Lindens is more focused on disabling competition to their "ZEXPO" than fixing the grid problems. As of this writing there are a scant 4k+ logged in, and it's likely they will continue to drag their feet fixing this problem for days if not hours. Why? Cuz they can.
As we frustratedly wait on the grid to come back up for most people, I can assure you the Merchant Guild is in cooperation with our sim host of Market Day EXPOsed & Uncensored! during this time to extend our event, potentially lacking the entertainment we'd hoped to offer, through the weekend.
I think KittyCat our sim host would be incredibly happy, in fact, since our traffic was 7093 on the first day, and 1.5 times that much working up to the second day!
Stay posted here, those of you interested, and we'll update as soon as we can on Market Day status!